Marten van der Honing sent me a modified version of zbyls' X exporter hacked to export wavefront .obj files with materials. Click for direct download, and see the file's header for contact information.
[ ObjExporter.rb ]
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That exports to .x (not sure what that is) not .obj. Please fix it because I want to make .obj models with textures!
Works great, thanks!
@Seif :
Don't download the X-Exporter, if u want to export an OBJ-file.
There is a link in the post to: [ ObjExporter.rb ] - use that one to download the OBJExporter :D
i cant get the model to show up in daz, someone one help me
nvm, but i want to know how to texture it
Hi, I found a small problem in the UV coordinate export. I had to change lines 598-599 to just
uq = (uvq.x)
vq = (uvq.y)
This was only necessary with a certain method of texturing (not sure of the details) but if anyone has this problem, try changing those lines.
where the hell do i put it
Thanks for sharing! The script works great! Thanks anonymous for the heads up on tex coordinates.
Found that I had to make the change to 598-599 as listed above and then also had to change line 62 from mapKd to map_Kd (added underscore) for a lot of things to pick up the texture.
I have downloaded the obj exporter from here and placed it in the plugins folder of version 5, 6.4, 7.1 and it hasn´t worked at all. Can you tell me what version you are using console says.
string pattern instead of regexp; metacharacters no longer effective
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/ObjExporter.rb:716: warning: string pattern instead of regexp; metacharacters no longer effective
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/ObjExporter.rb:716: warning: string pattern instead of regexp; metacharacters no longer effective
Teacher - I get those warning also. But they are just that: warnings. The export is working for me in spite of the warnings.
Where are you saving the outpu to, and does the file exists there?
the link is now broken and will suggest the simple "ObjExporter.rb".
"- Simple export to Wavefront .obj file. Supports v's and f's only."
But I am interested in the exporter that exports materials as well. Can you please update link? Thank you!
While testing this (I too made all the changes mentioned on lines 62 and lines 598 - 599) I found that all solid colors are successfully imported into Blender, but textures (i.e. bricks, translucent glass,etc) are lost. Any further suggestions on mods that might retain those textures? Thanks again.
Thank you for this program. I downloaded it and used it in SketchUp version #6 and I was able to export as an .obj. I found that if I exported to Bryce I didn't get the windows or door BUT if I exported to Wings3d I could alter the .obj to include the windows and doors.
The link is broken! Please fix!
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