Update Sep 2011 - This is an older plugin and not well implemented. I am not recommending to install this plugin in its current state.
Requires SketchUp Version 6 (since it uses observers.)
05/04/2008 - New Version
- No longer uses the Extension dialog - use the toolbar button to enable/disabled centerpoint creation as needed.
- Point not created until a new tool is selected. (Allows changing the diameter using the VCB.)
- Adds CP to circles, arcs, and polygons.
- CP's are added to CenterPoint layer.
- Works with Push/Pull, but only when creating new geometry.
- Works within the current context. Need to toggle the button if you want to work inside of a Group.
- Need to toggle the button when starting a New Model.

We're sorry, we were unable to locate the site "/jimfoltzllc/plugins/automatic-centerpoints/auto_centerpoint.zip".
Ok sorry about that. It should work now.
very good.
Unzipped the archive. Got these files out:
Folder "AutoCenterPoint":
Folder "ruby":
file "autocenterpoint.rb"
Copied the entire unzipped contents, as is, to the SketchUp plugins folder.
Launched SketchUp.
The centerpoint icon shows up...so how do i use it to find the center point of an object like a square, circle etc.
Hi...posted a comment earlier.
I found another plug in here:
Does the same thing. I just downloaded it and pasted it the .rb file into the Pluins folder. This shows up under Plugins imenu in SU. and works beautifully.
Hi Jim,
Got it... Your PlugIn adds a CP only to circles, polygons and arcs.
The CP appears only after the entity is drawn. It would have been great if a rectangle also was included.
Anyway...THANKS...i am retaing both CP plug-ins...each have their own value.
Thanks once again
The download is not working again...
Page not found
We're sorry, but we were unable to locate the page you requested.
We're sorry, we were unable to locate the site "/jimfoltzllc/plugins/automatic-centerpoints/auto_centerpoint.zip"
We're sorry, we were unable to locate the site "/jimfoltzllc/plugins/automatic-centerpoints/auto_centerpoint.zip"
This is quite an old plugin, but I plan on updating this year. I can not give a more precise time, unfortunately.
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