"This is a free opensource Loop subdivision plugin for Google Sketchup. Loop subdivision smooths hard edges to give a more rounded organic looking shape. This plugin has not been tested extensively, so please save any important Sketchup models before using this plugin on them."
The author adds "The exisiting Catmull-Clark plugins are probably better, but this one is opensource and free, so I am hoping that it will be improved by feedback and suggestions from users and other plugin writers."
Sketchup Loop Subdivision Smooth Plugin | guitar-list:
Can't get it to work, there is no extra icon in the toolbar, not eaven under the plugin menu in the top.
A "Loop subdivivision smooth" option should appear in the "Tools" Menu.
Thank you for this useful plugin!
bro? is it for mac, it shows coding when i download the plug in, but no install or anything
I can't get it to work, it just shows coding, and the install doesn't show?(for mac)
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