Keep your right hand on the mouse. The only exception is entering values in the VCB. (You are right-handed, aren't you?)
Your left hand should be confined to the left-half of the keyboard, pinky on the shift key. I suggest these shortcuts:
- Shift-space => Pencil Tool
- h => Edit/Hide
- Shift-H => Edit/Unhide/All
- g => Make Group
- Shift-G => Make Component
- Shift-C => Toggle Components Window
- Shift-E => Erase Guidelines (construction geometry)
- Shift-A => Protractor Tool (think A for Angle)
- Shift-S => PushPull Tool
- Shift-Z => Zoom Extents (I use zoom_selection.rb, a custom zoom tool.)
- Shift-F => FollowMe Tool
- d => Edit/Delete
- x => Explode
- Alt-1 => ISO View
- Alt-2 => Top View
- Alt-3 => Front View
You can import these directly into SketchUp by downloading Preferences.dat